SEPRA screw separator for paunch content

Our team has developed a new method for processing canaga using the SEPRA screw separator.

The separator operates by producing solid and liquid fractions.

One-Minute Video of the SEPRA Screw Separator in Action

Applications of Processed Canaga

  1. Animal Feed.
    It is often used as feed for cows, horses, and goats because canaga is rich in vitamin B2 and protein. Feed made from processed canaga improves animal digestion and strengthens their immune system.
  2. Fertilizer.
    Adding processed canaga to the soil increases crop yields, improves soil composition, and doubles pest protection.
  3. Biogas.
    Canaga is a raw material for biogas, which can heat homes, cottages, farms, or offices.

With the SEPRA separator, you can process not only canaga but also poultry manure, citrus waste, food waste, peat, brewers' grains, manure, and more.

Our company has all the necessary certificates for the equipment.

Have questions? Call us: +7 978 208-41-16
